books on Academic Writing
cases: How to Write a Paper (Literature Review) for a Social Science Course
chapter16: Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate Statistics
cheat sheet(速查单)
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CiteScore期刊排名:Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management
classical textbook: Forty studies that changed psychology改变心理学的40项研究
classical textbook: Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate Statistics爱上统计学
data science for covid-19
data: 世界旅游日历年主题1980-2022
data: 全球桌面浏览器市场份额月度数据desktop-browser-www-monthly
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Excel VBA: 两个表格的比较
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Free Datasets
Globalization and World Cities(GaWC)世界城市分类
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