data: 美国就业人口在各个产业的百分比
"Tourism". Published online at OurWorldInData.org
A Day in the Life of Americans
book: 科普领域的质性分析: MAXQDA软件应用
data science for covid-19
data: 世界旅游日历年主题1980-2022
data: 全球桌面浏览器市场份额月度数据desktop-browser-www-monthly
data: 硅谷指数silicon valley indicators
Globalization and World Cities(GaWC)世界城市分类
Google Scholar排名前20的管理期刊
Journal Citation Report
List: 旅游、休闲、运动、接待领域的SSCI期刊
software: python
Software: 数据可视化工具Scimago Graphica
TED: good or bad are incomplete stories we tell ourselves
TED: How we can find ourselves in data
tools: SARS-CoV-2 (virus that causes COVID-19) Surface Decay Calculator
Top 20 Journals for tourism and hospitality from Google Scholar
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