academic article:口罩的防护力研究
apps for two factor authenticator(2fa)
book series: 30-second
book series: for beginners
book series: Introducing
book: Automate the Boring Stuff with Python
book: Discovering Statistics Using R
book: python编程快速上手——让繁琐工作自动化
book: 科普领域的质性分析: MAXQDA软件应用
citation analysis and bibliometrics
CiteScore期刊排名:Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management
data: 全球桌面浏览器市场份额月度数据desktop-browser-www-monthly
datasets online
Digital tools for researchers
error message in R: Error in .Call.graphics(C_palette2, .Call(C_palette2, NULL))
Google Scholar排名前20的旅游、接待期刊
head first(深入浅出)书系
List: online office
List: 学术数据库期刊分类:旅游、接待、休闲、运动、服务
List: 旅游、休闲、运动、接待领域的SSCI期刊
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