- 文章信息
- 作者: kaiwu
- 点击数:816
Soccer (Association Football) | 足球 |
Cricket | 板球 |
Hockey (Ice and Field) | 曲棍球(冰上和场地) |
Tennis | 网球 |
Volleyball | 排球 |
Table Tennis | 乒乓球 |
Basketball | 篮球 |
Baseball | 棒球 |
Rugby | 橄榄球 |
Golf | 高尔夫球 |
- 文章信息
- 作者: kaiwu
- 点击数:1058
two-step verification(2-Step Verification)
Two-factor authentication is a security best practice. It may be easy to steal usernames and passwords on a user's computer as they are typed, but it is extremely difficult to also target that same user's second factor device. This greatly enhances security because simple attacks to gather usernames and passwords are now almost worthless.
1.Microsoft Authenticator app
2.Google Authenticator
3.zoho one
4.Tencent Authenticator
腾讯身份验证器(Tencent Authenticator)
- 文章信息
- 作者: kaiwu
- 点击数:1064
50 - 60 年代,是半导体企业,当时,从肖克利半导体实验室集体离职的 8 个人,创立了仙童公司。可以说,这 8 个创始人和他们的徒子徒孙支撑起了今天绝大部分的半导体行业。
70 - 80 年代的微软和苹果;
90 年代是雅虎、谷歌、亚马逊的崛起;
00 年代是脸书和特斯拉;
10 年代则是 Uber、Airbnb。
硅谷指数silicon valley indicators
- 文章信息
- 作者: kaiwu
- 点击数:1979
中文内容来源: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/109005616
德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校(The University of Texas at Dallas, UTD)的纳文·金达尔管理学院创建了一个数据库,用于跟踪24种主要商业期刊上的出版物。该数据库包含1990年以来在这些期刊上发表的论文和作者单位信息,用于提供1990年以来前100名商学院排名。
The UTD Top 100 Business School Research Rankings
Research Rankings Overview
The UT Dallas’ Naveen Jindal School of Management has created a database to track publications in 24 leading business journals. The database contains titles and author affiliations of papers published in these journals since 1990. The information in the database is used to provide the top 100 business school rankings since 1990 based on the total contributions of faculty.
Additionally, the database can also be searched by:
- Any journal or combination of journals between the time period 1990 to date to get a ranking of schools
- School name to see a list of publications by a school for any combination of journals and time period between 1990 to date
- Author name to see a list of publications by an author for any combination of journals and time period between 1990 to date
- Key phrase in article name to see a list of publications containing that phrase for any combination of journals and time period between 1990 to date
The Jindal School of Management maintains and keeps this website current to provide timely data on research productivity in leading research journals across major disciplines in business schools. The school has worked hard to ensure data integrity, but as with any project of this type where the affiliation data is not always clear, some errors may exist. If you spot an error, please send us the corrections at Top 100 Admin.
List of Journals
- The Accounting Review
Journal of Accounting and Economics
Journal of Accounting Research
Journal of Finance
Journal of Financial Economics
The Review of Financial Studies
Information Systems Research
Journal on Computing
MIS Quarterly
Journal of Consumer Research
Journal of Marketing
Journal of Marketing Research
Marketing Science
Management Science
Operations Research
Journal of Operations Management
Manufacturing and Service Operations Management
Production and Operations Management
Academy of Management Journal
Academy of Management Review
Administrative Science Quarterly
Organization Science
Journal of International Business Studies
Strategic Management Journal
- 文章信息
- 作者: kaiwu
- 点击数:1357
中国城市建设统计年鉴2020 https://navi.cnki.net/knavi/yearbooks/YCJTJ/detail
数据下载 http://mohurd.gov.cn/xytj/tjzljsxytjgb/jstjnj/index.html
城市 | 人口数 | 常住人口 |
上海 | 2,487 | 1,987 |
北京 | 2,189 | 1,775 |
重庆 | 3,205 | 1,744 |
深圳 | 1,749 | 1,744 |
广州 | 1,868 | 1,488 |
成都 | 2,094 | 1,334 |
天津 | 1,387 | 1,093 |
武汉 | 1,245 | 995 |
东莞 | 1,047 | 956 |
西安 | 1,218 | 928 |
杭州 | 1,194 | 874 |
佛山 | 950 | 854 |
南京 | 931 | 791 |
沈阳 | 907 | 707 |
青岛 | 1,007 | 601 |
济南 | 920 | 588 |
长沙 | 1,005 | 555 |
哈尔滨 | 1,001 | 550 |
郑州 | 1,260 | 534 |
昆明 | 846 | 534 |
大连 | 745 | 521 |