Speegle, D., & Clair, B. (2021). Probability, Statistics, and Data: A Fresh Approach Using R. CRC Press. p19-20

If you are serious about learning statistics, R, data visualization and data wrangling, the best thing you can do is to practice with real data. Finding appropriate data to practice on can be a challenge for beginners, but happily the R world abounds with online communities that share interesting data. 

Both beginners and experts post visualizations, example code, and discussions of data from these sources regularly. Look at other developeRs code and decide what you like, and what you don’t. Incorporate their ideas into your own work!

Kaggle https://kaggle.com
A website that requires no cost registration. The Datasets section of Kaggle allows users to explore, analyze, and share quality data. Most data sets are clearly licensed for use, are available in .csv format, and come with a description that explains the data. Each data set has a discussion page where users can provide commentary and analysis.
Beyond data, Kaggle hosts machine learning competitions for competitors at all levels of expertise. Kaggle also offers R notebooks for cloud based computing and collaboration.

Tidy Tuesday Twitter: #TidyTuesday
A project that arose from the R4DS Learning Community. The project posts a new data set each Tuesday. Data sets are suggested by the community and curated by the Tidy Tuesday organizers. Tidy Tuesday data sets are good for learning how to summarize and arrange data in order to make meaningful visualizations with ggplot2, tidyr, dplyr, and other tools in the tidyverse ecosystem.
Data scientists post their visualizations and code on Twitter. Tidy Tuesday data is available through a GitHub repository or with the R package tidytuesdayR.

Data Is Plural https://www.data-is-plural.com/
A weekly newsletter of useful and curious data sets, maintained by Jeremy Singer-Vine. Data sets are well curated and come with source links. There is a shared spreadsheet with an archive of past data.

Stack Overflow https://stackoverflow.com
A community Q&A forum for every computer language and a few other things besides. It has over 300,000 questions tagged r. If you ask a search engine a question about R, you will likely be directed to StackOverflow. If you can’t find an answer already posted, create a free account and ask the question yourself. It is common to get expert answers within hours.

R Specific Groups https://rladies.org/ and https://jumpingrivers.github.io/meetingsR/ruser-groups.html

Both of these groups support R users with educational opportunities. R Ladies is an organization that promotes gender diversity in the R community. They also hold meetups in various locations around the world to get people excited about using R. UseR groups primarily host meetups where they discuss various aspects of R, from beginning to advanced. If you find yourself wanting to get connected to the larger R community, these are good places to start.