- 文章信息
- 作者: kaiwu
- 点击数:797
1980年 |
旅游业的贡献:文化遗产的保护与不同文化之间的相互理解 |
Tourism’s contribution to the preservation of culturalheritage and to peace and mutual understanding |
1981年 |
旅游业与生活质量 |
Tourism and the quality of life |
1982年 |
旅游业的骄傲:好的客人与好的主人 |
Pride in travel: good guests and good hosts |
1983年 |
旅游和假日对每个人来说既是权利也是责任 |
Travel and holidays are a right but also a responsibility forall |
1984年 |
为了国际间的理解、和平与合作的旅游 |
Tourism for international understanding, peace andcooperation |
1985年 |
年轻的旅游业:为了和平与友谊的文化和历史遗产 |
Youth tourism: cultural and historical heritage for peace andfriendship |
1986年 |
旅游:世界和平的重要力量 |
Tourism: a vital force for world peace |
1987年 |
旅游与发展 |
Tourism for development |
1988年 |
旅游:公众教育 |
Tourism: education for all |
1989年 |
旅游者的自由活动创造了一个共融的世界 |
The free movement of tourists creates one world |
1990年 |
认识旅游事业,发展旅游事业 |
Tourism: an unrecognized industry, a service to be released the hague declaration on tourism |
1991年 |
通信、信息和教育:旅游发展的动力 |
Communication, information and education: powerlines oftourism development |
1992年 |
旅游促进社会经济一体化,是各国人民相互了解的途径 |
Tourism: a factor of growing social and economic solidarityand of encounter between people |
1993年 |
争取旅游发展和环境保护的和谐 |
Tourism development and environmental protection: towards alasting harmony |
1994年 |
高质量的服务、高质量的员工、高质量的旅游 |
Quality staff, quality tourism |
1995年 |
通过负起责任而受益 |
WTO: serving world tourism for twenty years |
1996年 |
旅游业:宽容与和平的因素 |
Tourism: a factor of tolerance andpeace |
1997年 |
旅游业:21世纪创造就业和倡导环境保护的先导产业 |
Tourism: aleading activity of the twenty-first century for job creationand environmental protection |
1998年 |
政府与企业的伙伴关系:旅游开发和促销的关键 |
Public-privatesector partnership: the key to tourism development andpromotion |
1999年 |
旅游业:为新千年保护世界遗产 |
Tourism: preserving worldheritage for the new millennium |
2000年 |
技术和自然:21世纪旅游业的双重挑战 |
Technology and nature:two challenges for tourism at the start of the 21st century |
2001年 |
旅游业:为和平和不同文明之间对话服务的工具 |
Tourism:instrument at the service of peace and dialogue betweencivilizations |
2002年 |
经济旅游:可持续发展的关键 |
Ecotourism, the key to sustainabledevelopment |
2003年 |
旅游业:一种消除贫困、创造就业与社会和谐的驱动力 |
Tourism: a driving force for poverty alleviation, job creationand social harmony |
2004年 |
体育及旅游:社会相互了解、文化及发展的两股力量 |
Sport and tourism: two living forces for mutual understanding, culture and the development of societies |
2005年 |
旅游和交通:从儒勒·凡尔纳的科幻世界到21世纪的现实 |
Travel and transport: from the imaginary of Jules Verne to the reality of the 21st century |
2006年 |
旅游:让世界受益 |
Tourism enriches |
2007年 |
旅游:为妇女敞开大门 |
Tourism opens doors for women |
2008年 |
对气候变迁挑战的旅游回应 |
Tourism responding to the challenge of climate change |
2009年 |
旅游:庆祝多样性 |
Tourism – celebrating diversity |
2010年 |
旅游与生物多样性 |
Tourism and biological diversity |
2011年 |
旅游与文化连结 |
Tourism linking cultures |
2012年 |
旅游与能源永续 |
Tourism and energetic sustainability |
2013年 |
旅游与水:保护我们共同的未来 |
Tourism and water: protecting our common future |
2014年 |
旅游与社区发展 |
Tourism and development in the community |
2015年 |
10亿旅游者,10亿个机会 |
A billion tourists, a billion opportunities |
2016年 |
旅游促进发展,旅游促进扶贫,旅游促进和平 |
Promoting universal accessibility |
2017年 |
作为发展工具的可持续旅游 |
Sustainable tourism - a tool for development |
2018年 |
旅游数字化发展 |
Tourism and the digital transformation |
2019年 |
旅游业和工作:人人享有美好未来 |
Tourism and jobs: a better future for all |
2020年 |
旅游与乡村发展 |
Tourism and rural development |
2021年 |
旅游业促进包容性增长 |
Tourism for inclusive growth |
2022年 |
重新思考旅游业 |
Rethinking tourism |
- 文章信息
- 作者: kaiwu
- 点击数:600
Touchon, J. C., & McCoy, M. W. (2016). The Mismatch Between Current Statistical Practice and Doctoral Training in Ecology. Ecosphere, 7(8), e01394. https://doi.org/10.1002/ecs2.1394
statistical techniques used in ecology.csv
doctoral programs in ecology.csv
- 文章信息
- 作者: kaiwu
- 点击数:862
two-step verification(2-Step Verification)
Two-factor authentication is a security best practice. It may be easy to steal usernames and passwords on a user's computer as they are typed, but it is extremely difficult to also target that same user's second factor device. This greatly enhances security because simple attacks to gather usernames and passwords are now almost worthless.
1.Microsoft Authenticator app
2.Google Authenticator
3.zoho one
4.Tencent Authenticator
腾讯身份验证器(Tencent Authenticator)
- 文章信息
- 作者: kaiwu
- 点击数:11049
The UTD Top 100 Business School Research Rankings
Research Rankings Overview
The UT Dallas’ Naveen Jindal School of Management has created a database to track publications in 24 leading business journals. The database contains titles and author affiliations of papers published in these journals since 1990. The information in the database is used to provide the top 100 business school rankings since 1990 based on the total contributions of faculty.
Additionally, the database can also be searched by:
- Any journal or combination of journals between the time period 1990 to date to get a ranking of schools
- School name to see a list of publications by a school for any combination of journals and time period between 1990 to date
- Author name to see a list of publications by an author for any combination of journals and time period between 1990 to date
- Key phrase in article name to see a list of publications containing that phrase for any combination of journals and time period between 1990 to date
The Jindal School of Management maintains and keeps this website current to provide timely data on research productivity in leading research journals across major disciplines in business schools. The school has worked hard to ensure data integrity, but as with any project of this type where the affiliation data is not always clear, some errors may exist. If you spot an error, please send us the corrections at Top 100 Admin.
List of Journals
List of Journals
- 文章信息
- 作者: kaiwu
- 点击数:717
Online tools
on surfaces under a range of temperatures, relative humidity, and UV Index
Use the sliders to select the UV index (select either 0 or a value between 1.5 and 12), temperature and relative humidity of interest. Information on how long SARS-CoV-2 would be expected to remain stable on surfaces will be displayed in the table below. Users can find the environmental conditions for a specific location by accessing general weather resources online.